Compared to plastics made from petroleum-based products, biodegradable products have several advantages for us to use in daily life. 

First, they are non-toxic. Single-use plastics are treated with various chemicals during their manufacturing process and these chemicals travel to our food when we use them. 

Second, you don’t have to worry that single-use wooden cutlery or sugarcane plate would damage your backyard after a family dinner. Within days they combine with the soil – which means you have to spend less time in clean up. 

The biodegradable plates, cups and cutleries are as practicable as the plastics products are, or even better. They are good for all cold and hot food, dry or gravy or soup.

Biodegradable products are far less polluting to the environment compared to plastics. They decompose and down into non-toxic, non-hazardous elements that make the soil rather fertile. The manufacturing process produces far fewer greenhouse gases.

They are energy efficient. They require less energy to manufacture. The raw materials are renewable such as sugarcane, bamboo, corn, fallen leaves from plants, etc, so they do not deplete the earth’s natural resources. 

The use of biodegradable plastics helps reduce waste. They can be used in compost piles instead of being placed in traditional landfills. The compost can then be turned into fertilizer for future use rather than lying in a landfill for the foreseeable future.

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